Being a mom is a true blessing to be gifted with, that’s a no-brainer. Motherhood takes you on an entirely different and extraordinary journey, offering you a brand new perspective to life in general. And while being a mother and enjoying family life can be an absolutely beautiful thing, there's no denying it can get chaotic and distract from those little joys in life, such as fashion, style, or what’s ‘in’ these days. That’s okay — we totally get it, and you’re certainly not alone!

So to combat these easily forgotten joys in life, we’ve compiled a list of the top 6 styling tips for mothers that are busy on-the-go to help you stay up to date on all the latest and greatest trends. So, without further ado, let’s get into these 6 styling tips that will get you pretty, trendy, and out the door in a flash!


A lot of women, especially mothers, tend to overdo to look to compensate for a lack of fashion and style, and this can take excessive amounts of time that you definitely don’t have as a the average mother. For that reason, keep it simple (it’s okay mom, we give you permission), because sometimes the best style is the most simple!

Throwing your hair up in a messy bun, a high pony tail, or even simple braids screams more effort than you think (and looks absolutely adorable in the process). You can even use clip-in hair extensions, wigs, of pre-wrapped hair buns to help you get the job done in a more exciting and creative way! So, don’t stress about getting all fancy everyday, use the resources you have at your hands currently, and just have fun with it! You’ll be amazed what a little tousling around and experimenting with your hair can do for your overall appearance!

The best way to amp up a simple braid or bun is to pull and fan out edges and loops of hair. To get the look to stay put, hit it with some hairspray, fan again and spray again. Works like a charm - and it's a hairstylist's best kept secret!


On top of keeping hair simple & easy, adding some beautiful little accessories to your hair is another perfect way to stay up-to-date on the latest looks! This is a time to channel your inner child, & get a little creative with your appearance. Ask yourself — what’s a look I’ve always wanted to try but have never been confident enough? Now is better than ever to give it a shot!

Whether that’s a cute little bow, an adorable braided headband, or even a little simple pinning your hair back with bobby pins — adding cute little accessories for your hair will help you stand out and give you that little something extra that says you care about your appearance (it’s okay — we know the struggle!).


If it's not already, dry shampoo is pretty much going to be your new best friend. It definitely comes in handy for moms especially, mostly because it’s lack of time consumption and ability to be used on-the-go. Using dry shampoo is basically taking a shower without, well — taking the time to take a shower! Convenient, huh?

This simple trick will help you to save time in your busy schedule, allowing more time for you to focus on your kids more or even making a few minutes for yourself (it’s okay, you can binge on that glass of wine — we won’t tell!). And another plus of dry shampoo? Your hair will still be looking hot & fresh no matter how many days go by (and momma, we know you definitely need that!).


We both know that using heating products, such as curling irons or hair straightens can be super time-consuming and damaging to your hair, so the new latest and greatest mom hack is the classic curlers! Yes mama, we’re stepping back to the retro hair style from back-in-the-day before electronics took over, and it’s a definite help to busy moms! Doing this will not only help you to save the time that you definitely don’t have, but it will also give you a timeless look that is unlike any others that you usually see (and that’s something that makes your style unique above all others!).


And lastly, our final styling tip for busy moms is to let that beautiful wet hair meet that sweet nat-ur-al air around you — and save time on blow-drying. Yes, it’s true, blow-drying definitely helps your hair to dry much quicker, and allows you to style your hair sooner, but the amount of time it takes to actually dry your hair with a blow dryer is outrageous for a mother (and let's face it, that is far too long to leave your little ones unattended) Basically, food on the walls, hubby in a panic, and mass hysteria everywhere - you get the picture.

That’s why it’s excellent to just braid your hair in a couple of pigtail braids, sit back, and let it dry naturally as you go about your day. This way you accomplish the daily tasks of being a mom while accomplishing your styling issue without stressing (see, I told you we had your back!).

Reference: https://www.hairextensions.com/blogs/news/6-styling-tips-for-moms-on-the-go