Tips for Hair Extension Aftercare
Hair extension aftercare is as much important as the care of your natural hair. Some experts suggest that: hair extensions need even more care than our regular hair. So, we must know the best hair extension aftercare tips. The best hair extension aftercare advice is to design a new specific hair routine after having the hair extensions. Be extra cautious about them, take good care of them and make sure to let them complete their normal healthy life span.
There is no need for any special expensive product, claiming the best hair aftercare for hair extensions. However, these products have the intense chemicals, which may harm your hair extensions. You should only follow some basic rules to keep you hair extensions safe. Here are the top 10 tips to maintain the hair extensions for a greater time span.
1. Don’t Over-Wash
Don’t wash your hair extensions quite often. Only wash your extensions twice a week. The extended hair are not your synthetic hair. They cannot take the natural oiling from your scalp. They can lose their shine with over washing. Further, only wash your hair extensions in an upright position without disturbing the real structure of the hair extensions.
2. Don’t Use Conditioner
Don’t wash your extensions with the conditioner. If you need to use conditioner, try using it only the lower parts keeping it away from the root. Conditioner can damage the hair extensions.
3. Don’t Swirl Your Hands Into Hair Extensions
Don’t explicitly swirl your hands into your hair or rinse them with shampoo. Use small shower to clean your hair. Let the excessive water flowing itself through the hair and extension.
4. Don’t Use Dryer Or Blower
Try to avoid blower or dryer. If you want to use them, try using them straight without touching the balls. Otherwise, you just need to gently put a dry towel around your hair to absorb the water.
5. Never Sleep With Wet Hair Extensions
Never sleep when your hair extensions are wet. This is probably the best hair extension aftercare advice. If you sleep with wet hair extensions, you may end up with tangled hair early in the morning, which may be more difficult to resolve with gentle brushing. So, always make sure to dry your hair extensions before going to bed.
6. Keep Separating The Hair Extension Bonds
Every morning, try to follow a routine of separating the hair extension bonds. Make sure, they are separated from each other and not disturbing each other. It may seem a hectic task, but you are asked to do so in every single hair extensions aftercare guide. It is much important. It preserves the roots and prevents the hair extension roots to be tangled. You have to be committed to this routine, if you want your hair extensions to last for a greater life span.
7. Gently Brush Them
After separating the hair extension bonds, gently brush your hair extension to make them straight. Starting from the bottom, moving upwards slowly to the top. Don’t go harsh while brushing your hair extensions.
8. Proper Oiling Them
Do proper oiling on your hair extensions too. Every week, you have to make sure about the oiling process. Oiling on hair extensions is even more important that regular oiling, because hair extensions can’t get the oil from the scalp. You have to provide them yourself.
9. Protect Them While Going Outside
Whenever you go outside with your hair extensions, make sure to protect them from dust or heavy wind. Don’t let any external factor to damage the bond between your hair and hair extensions. Don’t swim with your hair extensions. It is stated in every single hair extension aftercare guide that you just can’t swim with your hair extensions. The swimming pool is kept clean mixing the chlorine in water. This chlorinated water can severely damage your hair extensions.
10. Avoid Coloring Them
Don’t think about coloring the hair extensions. Only 100% natural hair extensions can be colored. Synthetic hair extensions won’t be colored. Try using the most appropriate shaded extensions instead. You can change your hair extension after 5-6 months. If you still wanted to dye your natural hair extension, try going to professional salon or taking expert suggestions for coloring the hair extensions at home.
The average time span of the extension is between 3 to 6 months. If you take good care of them and keep following the above 10 tips, you can keep your hair extensions in good shape for the 6-8 months. Otherwise, you may end up replacing them with new ones within only 2 months. It is your responsibility to keep them in good shape. The best advice for the hair extension aftercare is to consider them your natural born hair.
Don’t let yourself any lazy about their aftercare. The average cost of the hair extensions ranges between 300$ to 1000$. You can save many bucks by increasing the life span of the hair extensions by just following these 10 tips. However, if you still need some expert assistance, or you may have failed to follow this tough routine of taking care of them and you have damaged your hair extensions; Thus, If you want a recovery suggestions from the hair experts, you must visit a professional salon to get the possible assistance. Although there are smaller chances of the recovery, but if you have spent enough bucks already for a quality extension service, you may restore them back with some expert opinion.